Ace Erika & Vileplume Review

Ace Erika & Vileplume Review

ACE Erika & Vileplume 🌺

Just a quick review.

Vileplumes head is magnetic, feet come separated (not magnetic). It sits well, no wobbling. Really bright vibrant colours. There is an arrow on vileplumes head to lign up it's flower.

Erika is nicely detailed and sits well. Her feet don't touch the ground in the back but overall I think it's a fantastic representation of her. Slippers are included.

I really like this set, one of my favourites. Cute little set worth picking it up.

This review was provided by Mike over in our community group. Click here to join our community where you can buy, sell, trade, and discuss all things Pokémon!
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How tall is Vileplume?

Dominique Faison

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